Monday, October 29, 2012

June 20, 2015 50th Class Reunion Updates!

Greetings Classmates!

Several of you have responded to the "Save the Date"  notice that was sent out by email.  We will post those responses and any more that come in on this website.  Please forward your comments, ideas and photos to me, Brenda Kelly Robertson, at and I'll add them to the blog.

As the committee begins to make arrangements for the reunion, those arrangements will also be posted here, as well as sent out via email and snail mail to those for whom we do not have email addresses.  Please keep us up to date on any changes that occur to your contact information.  We'll also post a list of those classmates for whom we have no contact information.  Let us know if you can help locate these people....we want to get the word out to all our classmates!

Here's what we've heard so far:

Signe Hanson Pretzel:  2015 is just around the corner.  Great to start the planning now!

Tanya Wasenda Bergman:  Awesome incentive!  Thanks for putting this together!

Dan Hayes:  Who are all those old people!?

Ron Dahm:  Thanks, I'll put it on my calendar.  Hope all is well with you and your families.

Dick Milon:  Thanks for the info and pics.  Eddie was taking quite a few pics, are there any of those floating around?  Hope everyone stays well for the next reunion!

That's all for now...keep those pictures and notes coming!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see "old" people staying so young, and even here and there theatrical. Busy with travel, construction, writing, animation and cartoons, plus animals and gardening. Maybe the by next reunion life will have calmed down, and we will all be older, but more vintage.
